Monday, November 3, 2014

Courageous Women

3 Brave Folk Heroines

Courage can be described in many ways, but it is courageous action that speaks the loudest. Most courageous acts take faith and a strong constitution that allow you to do what you know is right even in the face of fear or resistance. Here are three folk heroines whose courageous stories should have gained them well-deserved recognition for persevering in the face of oppression or inequality.

Tulja Bai

Tulja Bai might be advanced in age, but she still has fight and courage that most women in their 20’s have failed to achieve. She was 68 years old when she helped to save a Muslim family in great danger during the communal riots taking place in Bhainsa, India. She basically held her own rescue operation to save a woman and her 4 children as inmates began to attack the house and those inside. Tulja heard the commotion and instead of running for cover she ran towards the danger and offered help, offering shelter and keeping them safe until the attack died down hours later.

Hawa Abdi

Hawa Abdi is a human rights activist who founded her own foundation to help end oppression and enhance equality. Abdi became a doctor and began offering free health services to those most in need. Her one room clinic quickly became a 400 bed hospital. Her work in Somalia went into overdrive in the 90’s as civil war broke out in this region. She made it her mission to find shelter for displaced orphans and those most in need. Even in the face of danger, Hawa was dedicated to only helping others and did not place her own well-being first.

Margaret Sylvester

During the 1909 Georgia railroad strike Sylvester showed courage and grace that is still remembered to this day. As white firemen went on strike as a sort of protest to the black replacement workers, violence began to escalate. A black man by the name of Joe Bryant was injured in the violence, but he was able to get away from the beating by fleeing to the rail yard. As he was being chased, Sylvester helped him into her home. As the mob tried to make their way into the home of Sylvester, she warned that she would shoot anyone that entered. After her brave showing she tended to Bryant’s injuries and saved his life.

It’s always uplifting to learn about people who do amazing things to help ensure the rights of others are being upheld. FolkHeart Press takes its hat off to these remarkable folk heroines!

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