The Food Lore of Licorice
Licorice Lore
Long known for its use as a sweetener as well as a healing agent,
Licorice has long had a place at many of the world’s food lore tables.

Elsewhere it was also held in high regard. Hindus believed it to be aphrodisiac and the Greeks noted being able to chew on the root to reduce thirst and hunger.
Records during the
Middle Ages indicate that it was used to help counteract the perils of foods,
such as meat, spoiling due to lack of refrigeration. In fact, it was so
valuable that King Edward I placed a tax on it in order to pay the cost of
repairing the London Bridge.
By the 15th
century it was a mainstay in Italian apothecaries and was a favorable addition
to tobacco in Germany.
France’s Napoleon
Bonaparte was fond of licorice’s soothing quality – especially during battle.
Lore indicates that he drank so much of it his teeth turned black.
Interestingly, this member of the pea family, native to southern
Europe, Asia, and the Mediterranean, was brought to England by Dominican
friars. From there the English introduced it to American Indians where its licorice lore grew to become an essential
ingredient for a brew to cure colds.
Related Information:
Homemade Black LicoriceFamily Food Lore
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