Wednesday, June 28, 2017

What's In a Name?

Fascinating Folkloric Origins

12 Beautiful Flower Names

Anemone: also known as the wildflower, this brightly colored flowers is nicknamed “the daughter of the wind” because of how it reveals its beautiful petals during a light breeze. 

Amaryllis: a common name for a beautiful country girl, this flower fits its Greek meaning of “sparkle” or “shine” with the rich red veins that pop out along its white petals. 

Carnation: toothed petals resembling that of a crown gave this flower its name which is derived from coronation. Others look at the flowers original color and relate its pink complexion to a source of less delicate words such as carnage.

Chrysanthemum: also known as the gold flower, the chrysanthemum is a collection of flowers that were a popular use in 1600’s poems. 

Daisy: the daisy has deep roots in the English language and is commonly referred to as the day’s eye because its petals close at dusk and open at dawn. 

Forget-Me-Not: believed to be a symbol of ever-lasting love, Renaissance romantics wore them so that they would not be forgotten by their lovers. 

Lupines: a mistaken flower that was originally believed to devour the nutrients of the soil like a wolf, hence the name lupinus. In reality, this flower enriches the soil and is sought after for its nutritious seeds.

Orchid: often thought to resemble the male organs with its bulbous roots, orchids are a diverse family of extremely elegant flowers.

Peony: from the Greek meaning “touch,” the peony was originally believed to contain healing properties and became identified with the Greek god of music and poetry, Apollo.

Rhododendron: a small shrub that blooms extravagant rose-colored flowers, the name literally means rose tree in Greek.

Tulip: contrary to the belief that the tulip got its name because it resembles two lips kissing, the flower bears a close resemblance to the male headwear worn throughout the Middle East, the turban.

Violet: a flower way before it became a color, the violet is a distinctive purple flower that earned its name from the Latin viola meaning violet-colored.

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